The 3 Benefits of Infectious Curiosity

I am obsessed with knowing why and how things come to be. Knowing how something works isn’t good enough; I need to understand the relationship between things and how it makes everything else in the bigger picture tick. Looking to differentiate yourself from your colleagues? Be curious. Tell people what you’ve just read out of …

Connectors win in the long run

Envy isn’t a part of my makeup. At school, I was subject to a highly competitive environment. I had a 12-year old super genius in my Year 12, Extension 2 math class (the highest level of high school mathematics offered in Australia – not bad for tween). I also sat next to a guy who scored 100 in the university admission …

EQ Insights from the Happiest Person in the World

Growing up was tough. Not in the way people usually mean it when they say that though. I had a roof over my head, a hot dinner on the table every night and everything I needed or wanted. My parents worked full-time, I went to a selective high school and did pretty well academically and …

Sell Sell Sell – How to understand people

You know when you meet someone for the first time & they ask you “what do you do for a crust?” I work in Sales. I’m a bag man. What’s a bag man? I get stuff out of my bag and sell it. Granted I do this in the online world now – but there’s …